English language

Idioma: portugues


17º International Symposium on Schistosomiasis

Letter from the president

Dear Colleague,

We are delighted to extend an invitation to you for the 17th International Symposium on Schistosomiasis, an event organized by Fiocruz that promises to be a significant milestone in the fight against this disease.

In this edition, the central theme of the symposium will be "Perspectives for the elimination of schistosomiasis." This theme will not only provide the framework for the lectures, conferences, and discussions throughout the event but also underscores our renewed dedication to eradicating a disease that profoundly impacts communities worldwide. This commitment aligns with our ongoing efforts to eliminate Socially Determined Diseases, including schistosomiasis.

In addition, we are committed to ensuring an inclusive and equitable experience for all participants, respecting the diversity of backgrounds, genders, and cultures. We are dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment for everyone involved, recognizing the critical role of global cooperation in the pursuit of solutions for schistosomiasis.

This edition will highlight technological advances contributing to the elimination of schistosomiasis, including the imminent launch of pediatric praziquantel, currently in the final stages of regulatory approval. Furthermore, progress in new diagnostic methods and updates on vaccine candidates will be presented.

We are thrilled to host this event in the picturesque neighborhood of Itapuã, located in Salvador, Bahia. Salvador, the first capital of Brazil, is known for its rich history, its gastronomy with African, indigenous, and Portuguese influences, and its beautiful beaches with crystal-clear waters, including Itapuã beach. This locale, with its unique characteristics and rich cultural history, offers an inspiring backdrop for our discussions. It is also an opportunity to acknowledge the interconnections between schistosomiasis and everyday life in this region, from the presence of fishermen to Afro-Brazilian religious traditions, and even the iconic water collections such as Lagoa do Abaeté.

Lastly, beyond the high-quality scientific content, I invite you to enjoy the natural beauty and hospitality of the Bahian people. With a forecast of sunny weather and pleasant temperatures, the event period promises to be a perfect combination of learning and leisure.

The International Symposium on Schistosomiasis is a unique opportunity for us to join forces in the fight against this disease. I look forward to your presence and contribution to this important event.

Best regards,

Ricardo Riccio
President of the 17th International Symposium on Schistosomiasis


Executive Committee
Isadora Cristina de Siqueira (Fiocruz-BA)
Leonardo Farias Paiva (Fiocruz-BA)
Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (Fiocruz-BA)
Tatiane Dias (Fiocruz-BA) - Executive assistant
Organizing Committee
Ana Paula Pinto Cavalcanti (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Andrezza Kariny Miranda de Souza (Fiocruz-BA)
Antônio Marcos Brotas (Fiocruz-BA)
Camilla Almeida Menezes (Fiocruz-BA)
Cristina Toscano Fonseca (Fiocruz-MG)
Daiana Silva de Oliveira Brum (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Diogo Rodrigo Magalhães Moreira (Fiocruz-BA)
Elainne Christine de Souza Gomes (Fiocruz-PE)
Isadora Cristina de Siqueira (Fiocruz-BA)
Leonardo Paiva Farias (Fiocruz-BA)
Lorena dos Anjos Magalhães (Fiocruz-BA)
Luciano Kalabric Silva (Fiocruz-BA)
Valdeyer Galvão dos Reis
Marina de Moraes Mourão (Fiocruz-MG)
Michelle Barros Leonides (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Mitermayer Galvão dos Reis (Fiocruz-BA)
Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (Fiocruz-BA)
Roberta Lima Caldeira (Fiocruz-MG)
Silyze Amorim Rodrigues da Silva (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Tereza Cristina Favre (Fiocruz-RJ)
Scientific Committee
Leonardo Paiva Farias (Fiocruz-BA)
Barbara de Castro Pimentel (UFBA)
Carina da Silva Pinheiro (UFBA)
Cristiano Lara Massara (Fiocruz-MG)
Cristina Toscano Fonseca (Fiocruz-MG)
David Rollinson (Global Schistosomiasis Alliance, UK)
Diogo Rodrigo Magalhães Moreira (Fiocruz-BA)
Elainne Christine de Souza Gomes (Fiocruz-PE)
Floriano Paes Silva-Jr (Fiocruz-RJ)
Isadora Cristina de Siqueira (Fiocruz-BA)
Luciana Santos Cardoso (UFBA)
Lúcio Macedo Barbosa (EBMSP)
Marina de Moraes Mourão (Fiocruz-MG)
Mitermayer Galvão dos Reis (Fiocruz-BA)
Roberta Lima Caldeira (Fiocruz-MG)
Rosiane Aparecida da Silva Pereira (Fiocruz-MG)
Sérgio Murilo Coelho de Andrade (Ministério da Saúde)
Tereza Cristina Favre (Fiocruz-RJ)
Thiago Almeida Pereira (Stanford University, USA)
Committee for Equity
Lorena dos Anjos Magalhães (Fiocruz-BA)
Antônio Marcos Brotas (Fiocruz-BA)
Camilla Almeida Menezes (Fiocruz-BA)
Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (Fiocruz-BA)
Finance Committee
Andrezza Kariny Miranda de Souza (Fiocruz-BA)
Ernane Dantas Novaes (Fiocruz-BA)
Lorena Moreno Pereira Castro Mattos (Fiocruz-BA)
Bruno de Menezes Valença (Fiocruz-BA)
Thalia Sulamita Santana Gonçalves (Fiocruz-BA)
Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (Fiocruz-BA)
Ana Paula Pinto Cavalcanti (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Diogo Rodrigo Magalhães Moreira (Fiocruz-BA)
Science Communication Committee
Antônio Marcos Brotas (Fiocruz-BA)
Isadora Cristina de Siqueira (Fiocruz-BA)
Ane Caroline Casaes Teixeira (Fiocruz-BA)
Bruna Oliveira Lopes Souza (Fiocruz-BA)
Camilla Almeida Menezes (Fiocruz-BA)
Keila Ramos dos Santos (Fiocruz-BA)
Lorena Queiroz (Fiocruz-BA)
Logistics Committee
Ana Paula Pinto Cavalcanti (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Daiana Silva de Oliveira Brum (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Michelle Barros Leonides (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Silyze Amorim Rodrigues da Silva (Fiocruz-VPPCB)
Bruna Oliveira Lopes Souza (Fiocruz-BA)
Camilla Almeida Menezes (Fiocruz-BA)
Keila Ramos dos Santos (Fiocruz-BA)
Ronald Alves dos Santos (Fiocruz-BA)

Place and period

Period: November 10th to 13th, 2024

Hotel Deville Prime Salvador

Address: R. Passárgada, S/n - Itapuã, Salvador - BA, 41620-430